Zofia Stemplowska

zofia stemplowska

Zofia Stemplowska 

Professor of Political Theory




Affiliation: Department of Politics and International Relations
Expert in: Justice; Human rights
Geographic focus:  Global



I am mostly interested in the problem of what people owe to each other as a matter of domestic, global and historical (post war) justice including commemoration and remembrance. I am also interested in the debate about ideal and nonideal theory: the problem of how to make theories of justice relevant to urgent, real world problems while avoiding ad hoc theorising and defeatism.

Research keywords: contemporary political philosophy, global justice, distributive justice, historical injustice, egalitarianism, responsibility and luck, collective responsibility, feasibility, migration, rights, jus post bellum, commemoration and remembrance.


Happy to be contacted by policymakers, journalists, scholars or prospective students

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